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26 February

Seder Night: Redeeming the Power of Speech -Rabbi Sam Shor

Among the many incredible messages inherent in the Passover Seder experience is the fundamental idea of sacred speech. Speech plays a central role in the entire evening. Our Sages teach us that we must verbally express and recall the many details and nuances of the redemption from Egypt. Our...
19 September

Rosh Hashana: Transforming Our Simple Words to the Purest of Prayer (by Rabbi Sam Shor)

Rosh Hashana: Transforming Our Simple Words to the Purest of Prayer  There is an interesting teaching in the important Chasidic work, Sefat Emet , written by Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Leib Alter, zt’l, the Gerrer Rebbe.  The Rebbe wrote: “The essence of Rosh Hashana is prayer. There are four mitzvot which form our daily routine;...