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OU Israel Thanksgiving Dinner: Evening of Torah and Inspiration

Thanksgiving, Thursday Nov. 23rd  Doors open 6:00pm, Dinner begins 6:30pm


Visiting from America? Living here but still nostalgic?


Join us for an authentic Thanksgiving dinner complete with turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie!


– Join Rabbis Hershel and Shay Schachter for an engaging analysis of whether celebrating Thanksgiving is halachically permissible, the mesorah of the turkey,  and the importance of Hakarat Hatov (being thankful)


–  Don’t miss Sherri Mandell’s inspiring talk entitled” Beyond Turkey: The Art of Thanksgiving”

Cost: 85NIS member, 95NIS non-member

For reservations call: 02 -5609110 or register below





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