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This event will iyH take place on Sunday, Feb 21st at 9:30AM EDT/4:30PM Israel time. Please register below.

This event is designed for grandparents and grandchildren, living in different locations, to be able to learn and bond over Zoom!! Grandparents and grandchildren will be given the opportunity to learn together and do a special pre-Purim activity together. Please register below and we will send you more details.

Here is the source sheet for the event –  MiDor LDor Herzog and OU Kids Kollel Purim 5781 (3)

Please note that this event is a partnership between the OU Israel Kids’ Kollel and Herzog College.

Herzog College offers a free weekly Parsha Package for grandparents to learn together on Zoom or over the phone with their grandchildren in grades 2 – 5. Click here to download this week’s parsha and sign up to receive the weekly email.