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Ohel Yehudi

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Ohel Yehudi (The Jewish Tent) is a new project carried out by OU Israel’s Zula Center staff. The program provides a warm place of embrace and inclusion for youth, a secure and pleasant shelter during their stay at the beach near the Kinneret. The ‘Ohel’ is a place that enables youth the chance to connect to others while releasing their stress and energy in a positive manner. It is a project that was established to address the growing need of Israeli adolescents for structured activity during vacation and holidays while also respecting their independence.

Ohel Yehudi creates in essence a mini Zula on the beaches of the Kinneret, mimicking the activities provided on a nightly basis at the Zula Center in Jerusalem. These include a spiritual rich musical repertoire of traditional Jewish songs (niggunim), a drum circle and communal singing (shira be’tzibbur) based on Carlebach, Rabbi Nachman and other traditions. Every youth has the chance to also play a musical instrument (usually a guitar, violin or flute). In-between songs, the Zula educational counselors provide a d’var Torah, quick story, or piece of Jewish insight related to classic inspirational Jewish Chassidic tales.