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Make a Date to Invest in Your Relationship


Calling all dating, engaged and newly married couples (up to two years) to experience our interactive and transformative IPREP* Couples Workshop


Learn the communication secrets for a happy marriage & Acquire listening and problem-solving skills


When: Thursday,  September 7 at 7:30 pm – 9:30PM

Where: OU Israel Center, 22 Keren HaYesod, Jerusalem

25 nis per person includes  wine and cheese in a relaxed atmosphere


Bonus: The first 3 couples to pre-register will receive a copy of the classic bestseller: Fighting for Your Marriage, by Howard Markman and Susan Blumberg


For more workshop information and reservations:

Call: Susan Barth: 054-729-4964



This workshop is co – hosted by :by amuta Together in Happiness/B’Yachad B’Osher  and OU Israel Center

*PREP (Prevention Relationship Education Program developed by Professor Howard Markman, University of Denver