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THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT — FOR MORE INFORMATION, please contact Chana Spivack at 050-2294951. Chag Sameach
Linking our Lives2gether (LOLT) for active single olim, ages 60-75
Wednesday, October 16, 2019 6:30pm
LOLT invites you to Socialize in the Sukkah with a Seudah and Simcha!
Location: OU Israel Center Sukkah, entrance via Mendele Moker Sfarim around the corner from the OU Israel Center Main entrance on
Keren Hayesod 22
Lite Dairy Dinner      50nis
Registration required prior to event: by phone 02-560-9110 or online www.ouisrael/events/sukkah2019


This event is fully booked.