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OU Israel is proud to present a fabulous Women’s Mission to Israel: L’ayla. L’ayla is unique in its strong emphasis on creating a program that fully caters to the needs and interests of women. From the arranged speakers to the carefully tailored tours, L’ayla is designed to impact, enliven and inspire the women of our nation. As the significant number of returning participants can attest to, this is a program you will want to do all over again.

Prominent women and female activists will meet with L’ayla to deepen our understanding of the situation in Israel and inspire us with their leadership roles. Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi –  the most popular Torah teacher for women in Israel –  is just one of the respected guests slated to speak.

Tours will focus on the female presence in each place. The tour of the Southern Wall, for instance, will begin with a walk in the path of the Yoledet (the woman who recently gave birth), discussing her particular sacrifice. It will then continue to focus on women who contributed to the Beit Hamikdash such as Queen Esther, Chuldah and ShlomTzion Hamalka. The tours will interweave shiurim from excellent teachers in addition to the mini shiurim that will be given on Sefer Tehillim.

The trip is chock-full of activity. There will be two days of travelling up North to Acco, Rosh Hanikra, Atlit, Pikiin, Meron, Zfat, and Tiveria as well as a drive through the Carmel Forest, A full day will be spent hiking, touring, learning and Jeeping in the Judean Desert. The group will tour Yerushalayim, with emphasis placed on meeting the people and learning about the different projects going on.

In the evening there will be two special events: a joint program with OU Israel and Mishpacha Magazine editors and writers, the other, a beautiful Melave Malka at a private home in Rechavia – with a shiur from Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi.

In addition to all the meaningful programming, the women are wined and dined in beautiful glatt kosher, Mehadrin restaurants and hotels. Just about every detail of their trip is taken care of for them.

We see in the Torah that women have always had an incredible love for Eretz Yisrael, most notably the daughters of Zelafchad.  Still today, when women come together to explore the land, daven together,  learn Torah and share stories, there is a tremendous spirit of excitement about the Land, our People and our Torah.  This becomes a transforming experience that the women who join L’ayla take back with them to their families and communities.

We are confident that any woman who participates in this trip will have one of the most inspiring and meaningful experiences of her life.


Dear Rifka and Linda,

I am back in New York, deep into the trenches of my daily life, but I just could not let another day go by without thanking you both for helping to make my visit to Israel as special as it was.

The minute I saw the ad for the OU/L’Ayla Women’s Mission trip I knew it would be great. You both put together a fast-paced, action-packed, truly inspiring itinerary with all of the Holy sites that I wanted to see. As a learning, growing Jew, it meant so much to me to be able to walk in the footsteps of our Matriarchs and Patriarchs and visit all of the Holy places that connects us to our land and our people. Walking the Tzippori archeological site or the Southern Wall Excavations or Ir David or stuffing our bellies with De Karina chocolate, Golan Heights wine or the yummy, gourmet dinner at Kibbutz Lavi, every day was a new adventure.

I have to say that one of my favorite moments was when we visited the Hesder Yeshiva in Sderot and saw how they made an oversized Chanukah menorah out of Kassam rockets. Only the Yidden can take the curse of Gaza bombs and turn it into a blessing to serve Hashem!!

I cried my heart out at Kever Rochel and Mearas HaMachpela and at the Kotel and…actually, everywhere we went! Every day I was inspired to be a better Jew and every day I felt as if I was doing something good for my heart and my soul and my body!

But what really made the trip so special was the two of you and all of the little things that you both did to make us feel so loved and taken care of. From the way Linda prepared envelopes with money exchanges so that we would have shekels in our pockets to Rifka’s snack bags filled with nuts, raisins and love to the benchers with our group photo…and the many, many other ways you both gave of yourselves to make sure we had a positive experience.

I will never forget our private lunch at Linda’s magnificent home in the Old City and I will daven Tehillim differently from now on after hearing Rifka’s shiur at the OU Center, (and for that matter, all of Rifka’s amazing Torah knowledge and thoughts that we merited to hear on the tour bus!!). Thank you both for everything!!

All the best and lets stay in touch!
Robin Haas


For more information
Please contact:  Mrs. Rivka Segal at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)or call 718-506-0182