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12 January

The Exodus and the exodus

The Exodus and the exodus Parshat Beshallach. The Egyptian Empire is destroyed and millions of Jews cross the Red Sea to freedom. On Shabbat Parshat Beshallach more than 3,000 years later (the exact date, December 26, 1991), the Soviet Empire is destroyed and over the course of three decades, millions of...
31 May

Rosh Chodesh Nisan Seminar for Women

We are so excited to announce that we will be iyH running the Rosh Chodesh Nisan seminar in-person at the OU Israel center!!!  The program will also be broadcasted live by Zoom for those who are unable to come in person. Please note that we will be stringently following the...
3 August

Anglo Olim Survey 2020

OU Israel is conducting a survey of Anglo Olim of all ages from across Israel. The results of this survey will enable OU Israel to help future & current Olim acclimate and thrive in their new environment. Please click on the image below to participate in this brief survey:
30 August

Rosh Hashana & the Hidden Jews

Throughout the world, Jewish families are preparing themselves for the new year, Rosh Hashana - shopping for holiday delicacies, beautiful dresses, colorful ties, and reading inspirational articles. Jews of all different lands and assorted time periods have always celebrated Rosh Hashana in ways that combined their Jewish heritage and the...